Green Genius with its first biogas plant in Poland. The company begins construction in Turowiec

Green Genius, an international company with years of experience in the field of renewable energy projects, is starting the construction of its first biogas plant in Poland. The installation with a capacity of 999 kW will be built in Turowiec. The main substrates will be agricultural raw materials supplied by local farms. 

On May 11, 2021, Green Genius began the construction of its first biogas plant in Poland. The new project will be built in Turowiec, in the municipality of Wojsławice in the Lubelskie voivodeship. The decision to enter the new energy sector in Poland is a result of the company’s recognition of Poland’s biogas potential, which according to estimations can reach even more than 3800 MW. In the assessment of Green Genius experts, biogas energy may eventually constitute up to 18% of the current electricity in the country. The biogas plant in Turowiec was designed for a capacity of 999 kW and its productivity will amount to nearly 8200 MWh per year. In the 15-year perspective, this will save 87000 tons of CO2 emissions.

The choice of location for the first Green Genius biogas plant is a result of the benefits that the region offers potential investors. “Turowiec was chosen because of its excellent location and the willingness to cooperate of local residents, authorities and entrepreneurs.” – says Beata Snarska, CEO of Green Genius in Poland. “It is a region characterized by highly developed agriculture and industrial activities and therefore it will provide an excellent supply of raw materials to the facility. It also offers numerous possibilities for the further use of the by-products of the process. In addition, it is extremely important for us that we received a green light from the local community, which ultimately confirmed our belief that it is worth investing in the installation in the Turowiec area.” – Snarska adds.  

 Biogas plant in Turowiec is focused mainly on cooperation with local farms, as well as industrial facilities, such as distilleries, sugar factories and others. “We are happy that Green Genius has decided to invest in our region” – says Henryk Gołębiowski, mayor of the municipality of Wojsławice. “Numerous farms are located in the Turowiec area. Thanks to the biogas plant, what for some people is waste, for others will become a valuable raw material. It is a good step towards a sustainable economy and increased energy independence in our region. Undoubtedly, the project will be beneficial for the Wojsławice municipality and its residents.” – he explains. 

 The fermentation substrates will include sugar beet pulp from a sugar production, distilled decoction, vegetable, fruit and juice production residues, as well as agricultural products. The key advantage of such kind of biogas production is lower odor nuisance. 

 The Turowiec installation will be equipped with the most technically advanced and ecological solutions. The project includes the closed organic fertilizer production line, where part of the generated heat will be used for recovery. Biogas tanks and a gas treatment plant will be located on the premises of the biogas plant. Most of the technological processes will be conducted in a closed, hermetic cycle. 

 Green Genius will continue the cooperation with local farmers and entrepreneurs at the digestate management stage. The liquid fraction, as well as dried granules, are planned to be used as fertilizers. 

 The end of the construction is planned for 1st March 2022. 

Green Genius in Poland 
The total capacity of the completed PV installations in Poland will soon reach 154 MW. The planned portfolio of Green Genius biogas projects in the country until 2025 is 20 MW. 

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